Oct 27, 20171 min readANUSHKA SURPRISED ALIA, SONAM & JACQUELINE Anushka Sharma recently launched her Fashion Label NUSH. She shared the joy of the launch with Alia Bhatt, Sonam Kapoor and Jacquelin Fernandez , sending them 7 pairs each of her label. Read More... #MediaMahima #Radiodehotties #Altuphaltu #anushkasharma #aliabhatt #JacquelineFernendez #sonamkapoor
Anushka Sharma recently launched her Fashion Label NUSH. She shared the joy of the launch with Alia Bhatt, Sonam Kapoor and Jacquelin Fernandez , sending them 7 pairs each of her label. Read More... #MediaMahima #Radiodehotties #Altuphaltu #anushkasharma #aliabhatt #JacquelineFernendez #sonamkapoor