In the aftermath of a sexual assault scandal, Baylor University has announced that they will be firing head football coach Art Briles. The university released a statement saying that they were horrified by the acts and would work to repair the reputation that they said was tarnished by Briles’ actions. Reports from sources indicate that the Baylor board voted to remove Ken Starr as school president, but allow him to retain his position in the law school. Athletic director Ian McCaw is allegedly “suspended with intent to terminate”. The university is continuing investigations into this alleged assault, which seems to run extraordinarily deep.
For weeks now, Donald Trump has been the presumptive Republican presidential nominee. With John Kasich and Ted Cruz dropping out, there has been no contest for the New York magnate. However, until today, Trump did not have the necessary delegate count to officially become the nominee for the GOP. However, he does not become the nominee until the votes are cast in July on the convention floor. The onslaught against Trump, including the “NeverTrump” movement has seen minimal success and when he spoke at Bismarck, North Dakota, he attested to that fact, saying that he has seen great success, while Hillary is battling.
For their two year anniversary in power, Modi’s administration held a rally in Saharanpur, Uttar Pradesh. Several high ranking government and party officials showed up in order to take advantage of the opportunity to market themselves for the next round of elections. Union Home Minister Rajnath Singh said that the Congress party is fast losing power, and that it is time for the BJP to rise up. Modi’s speech was not as inflammatory. Rather, the Prime Minister focused on what he had accomplished during his term, and went on to emphasize that the government needs to be held accountable. He asserted that in his administration, every second and rupee of the government would be transparent to the public.
Chris Kyle rose to posthumous fame as a result of his novel and the movie “American Sniper”, in which Bradley Cooper played the title character. Kyle’s rise was the result of his extensive kill count, the highest of any sniper. Reports indicate that Kyle received just one Silver Star and three Bronze Stars, in contrast to the two Silver Stars and five Bronze Stars that he alleged to have in his novel. However, this contrast was explained by a spokeswoman for the Navy said that Kyle’s discharge documents, known as a DD-214, cited the higher numbers for his awards. Chris Kyle was murdered by Eddie Ray Routh at a shooting range in Texas in 2013.